Winter Road Realities
The Class D county roads of the Timberline Subdivision are plowed and maintained by the Timberline Special Service District (TSSD) Snow removal is done as needed and non-paved roads remain snow covered for the duration of winter. Please follow posted 15 mph speed limits at all times and remember you may need to drive slower than the posted limit based on road conditions.
Snow removal:
Snow removal operations may take place at any time. The TSSD Tractor “Big Blue” has the right of way at all times. Please pull off to a safe location and wait for the tractor to pass or for the tractor operator to signal you to pass. Snow removal may also take place well after storms have passed or as temperatures change. The tractor operates in both directions and the operator may not be facing you. Do not assume the operator sees you.
Per county ordinance, do not push, blow or pile snow into the roadways. Remember our roads are narrow without snow and become ever narrower during the winter. Do not place objects in the roadway as they become projectiles when removed by the tractor. Unmarked obstacles may damage the tractor or property and should be marked with a pole. Objects deemed to be dangerous by TSSD will be removed at the Owners expense. Do not use "T" post type markers on the edge of roadways, they present a hazard to others.
Vehicles with 4x4 or All-wheel drive are recommended but are realistically required. Appropriate winter tires or chains will be needed. If chain up is required please do so in a location with good visibility that allows other vehicles to pass. If your vehicle becomes stuck do not leave it abandoned on the road. The TSSD tractor may help pull out stuck vehicles as a courtesy but should not be relied upon. Every time Blue leaves the garage to come help out costs you, the neighborhood money. If the TSSD tractor does help remove a stuck vehicle, TSSD and the tractor operator assume no responsibility for any vehicle damage or personal injury.
Please call a tow truck ASAP to remove a stuck vehicle.
Ride share, taxi, delivery and construction services should be warned of road conditions prior to entering Timberline. Many of these vehicles are not capable of navigating Timberline roads. UPS, FedEx, Amazon and other local services are familiar with our roads and must leave the packages at the kiosk.
Timberline roads are subject to no roadside parking From Nov 15th to April 15th. Please remember no roadside parking may need to be extended after April 15th due to snow. Residences should make arrangements to have vehicles parked off of the roadway during winter months. If temporary roadside parking is needed to clear driveways during storms please do so in pull outs that allow for safe two way traffic. Please remove cars ASAP when driveway clearing is complete.
The 2 guest lots on Balsam Drive has limited space and a 48 hour limit. Please move cars ASAP following storms to allow snow removal of the lot. This lot is intended for guests or vehicles that are unable to make it home during storms and not for daily use. Vehicles left more than 48 hours may be towed at the owner’s expense. Do not leave vehicles parked on the pullout across from the mailbox kiosk, they will be towed. In an emergency, leave contact info on your dashboard so the plow operator can contact you.
- “BIG Blue” is a large machine with large attachments and does not move as easily as cars and always has the right of way.
- Per county ordinance, no on-road parking is allowed November through May.
- Winter tires or chains are a must. All-season tires are not winter tires. Install winter tires early and do not wait for the first big storm.
- Mark obstacles or solid objects with a pole preferably with high visibility color or reflective tape. Any unmarked obstacles in the road will become projectiles for the tractor and may damage it or property.
- Only leave out trash cans during the day of trash pickup. Place cans in driveways if possible or out of driving lanes. Clear snow from where cans will be placed. Residents will be notified if trash services are delayed.
- Pull over to allow cars to pass at pinch points. Many sections of roads are too narrow for two way traffic. Please utilize pullouts to allow other cars to pass. Be Kind, be patient.
- Downhill traffic has a drastically reduced stopping abilities and may not be able to move out of the way. Take special care when driving around blind corners, steep hills or congested areas.
- Do not apply chemicals, sand or gravel to roadways. TSSD applies gravel to the roadways as needed. Salt applied to the road will eventually create more ice.
- Our roads are also our sidewalks. Pedestrians should move to the side of roads to allow cars to pass and cars should slow down when pedestrians are present. Please be courteous these are your neighbors!
- Please notify guests, workers or delivery drivers of the road conditions prior to their arrival. People unfamiliar with Timberline will get stuck. Make prior arrangements for additional vehicles.
- UPS, FedEx, Amazon and other local delivery services must leave the packages at the kiosk. Please be courteous to these drivers!
- Freight deliveries should not enter timberline as Semi’s will not be able to turn around and may cause long term road blocks if they are stuck.
Thank you for your understanding,
7-3-3: Seasonal Limitations On Parking:
There shall be no on street parking on any county road, except as may be specifically delineated by regulatory signs placed along that street segment, between November 15 of each year and April 15 of the following year. Vehicles or other obstacles which hamper county snow removal operations will be towed or removed at the owner's expense. The county shall not assume any liability for damage to vehicles parked on the street, or other obstacle placed in the county right of way in violation of this chapter. Damage to snow removal equipment resulting from contact with vehicles which are illegally parked or other obstacles placed in the county right of way shall be the responsibility of the vehicle owner or persons responsible for the obstacles placed in the county right of way. (Ord. 346-A, 3-5-2015)
7-3-4: Snow Storage On-Site:
It is the duty of all property owners, condominiums owners' associations, property owners' associations, corporations and partnerships to make arrangements for the storage of accumulated snow, either on their own premises, or on the premises of another private property with the permission of that owner. All property owners, condominiums owners' associations, property owners' associations, corporations and partnerships, and their employees, agents and contractors shall confine the accumulate snow to their premises or to another private premises with the other owner's permission. (Ord. 346-A, 3-5-2015)
7-3-5: Unlawful to Deposit Snow in the Public Right-of-Way:
It shall be unlawful for any person, their employees, agents and contractors to deposit, haul, push, blow or otherwise deposit snow accumulated on private property within the traveled portion of any public street or sidewalk in a manner that impedes the reasonable flow of traffic on that street or sidewalk. The "traveled way" shall be defined as the width of the paved or graveled street and sidewalk. Snow shall not be deposited in the county road right of way within fifty feet (50') of an intersection. (Ord. 346-A, 3-5-2015)