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Welcome to Timberline Special Service District

It is with great pleasure the residents of Timberline welcome you. We hope you find this community as warm and friendly as everyone here tries to make it. This site will provide you with  contact names and emails to answer any questions you may have about Timberline. 

Timberline is a private community, meaning the roads,  and TLOA CC&R’s (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions) are managed by volunteer members of the neighborhood. We encourage you to get involved with the decisions that will affect you now and in the future. Meeting dates and times are posted on the mailbox kiosk and we encourage you to attend to hear about the issues and also to make some new friends.

TSSD is responsible for the roads, common areas and capital expenditures. TSSD also provides snow removal and applies traction materials to the roadways between storm cycles. Spring and Summer is when TSSD performs road maintenance. TSSD holds public meetings several times each year. If you would like  to have a topic discussed at the next meeting, reach out to Carol at

There are two main administrative  bodies that run the community operations. Timberline Special Service District and the Timberline Lot Owner Association.

TLOA is responsible for neighborhood issues, appointment of the Architectural Committee and with enforcement of the CC&R’s. All construction concerns should be addressed to the Architectural Committee.

There is no “us” and “them” in Timberline. We are a small and unique community and we encourage involvement by all. Please feel free to contact anyone with any questions and also feel free to stop by and introduce yourself.

Again, Welcome to Timberline!